Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Schedule

This is what I plan to do when we start our school. I hope it'll work just fine for us. I know I may have to be flexible and try not to keep a tight schedule. I don't want to rush the children if they weren't ready for the next reading. The most important thing is their comprehension, not how many books they have read.

Daily Subjects:
Bible: one chapter
Recitation: poetry and Bible verse
Math: next lesson
Indonesian language: reading, grammar, and vocabulary
English: reading/phonics, grammar, and vocabulary
Penmanship: copy work each day
Narration: after each scheduled reading
Literature: Just So Stories (Monday), Aesop’s Fables (Tuesday), Parables from Nature (Wednesday), Nine Tales (Thursday), Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare (Friday)

Weekly Subjects:
Monday: Indonesian Social Studies (IPS) & Citizenship (PKn)
Tuesday: World History & Geography
Wednesday: World History & Natural History/Science
Thursday: Science (IPA), Nature Studies
Friday: Composer & Artist Study, Chinese

School Routines:
Morning Lessons (Field trip once a month may take the place of this)
Family Devotion: Prayer, Praise & Worship, Bible reading
Phonics with Brandon; Andrea: penmanship/copywork
Math with Andrea; Brandon: penmanship (just 2 letters/day)
Math with Brandon; Andrea: piano practice with Dad
Read-alouds with Andrea; Brandon: free play (quiet games)

Fruit Break
Poetry (and poetry memory work)

Morning Free Time
Move laundry
20 minutes cleaning up, one zone
Children help, play outside, crafts, toys, etc. independently
Mom prepares lunch

12 noon Lunch
Help Mom clean up
Review Bible Memory
Rest time

Afternoon Lesson
Monday: Indonesian Social Studies (IPS) & Citizenship (PKn)
Tuesday: World History & Geography
Wednesday: World History & Natural History/Science
Thursday: Science (IPA), Nature Studies
Friday: Study Club (in the morning); Composer & Artist Study, Chinese (in the afternoon)

Afternoon Snack
With a story for Brandon

This will be my guideline on how our days will be, so once we started, I may have to adjust and tweak it to suit the children better.


  1. Ve, kalo menurut CM, tatabahasa (grammar dll) masuknya ntar2 aja lo...

  2. Sori nih baru jawab sekarang. Iya emang bener, Dev, kalo menurut CM, grammar ntar kalo udh Y3... untuk Andrea aku perkenalkan dikit2 karena Inggris bukan bahasa ibu kita, tapi bahasa Indonesia. Begitu... tapi engga yg berat2 kok... cuma perkenalan aja :)


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